The Tony Robbins Foundation
CryoFX® was contacted by the production team at the Tony Robbins Foundation to form a working relationship for special effects sourcing. CryoFX® team members also provided full consultation and design services for several CO2 special effects systems as well as other special effects for use during live shows and events.
The special effects reviewed under consultation included but were not limited to confetti special effects, electric confetti cannons, health CO2 cannons, CO2 jets and DMX 512 CO2 jets, confetti machines, continuous flow confetti machines, fog haze, and cold spark machines.
Founded in 1991, the Tony Robbins Foundation is a nonprofit organization that empowers individuals and organizations to positively impact the lives of people who are often forgotten. The foundation works to improve the lives of young people, seniors, the hungry, the homeless, and the imprisoned.
The foundation seeks to empower these important members of society through the vision, inspiration, and resources provided by our staff, generous donors, and a caring group of international volunteers.
Tony Robbins Foundation
PO Box 500778
San Diego, CA 92150
For more info on CryoFX® projects, please see